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7 Essential Books To Read For Every Freelancer

October 19, 2022

7 Essential Books To Read For Every Freelancer

Today it’s easier to become a freelancer than ever before. More and more companies are hiring freelancers. So how to become one of a kid freelancer and start making money? We created a list of 7 books for every freelancer to read today and win a high-paid job tomorrow!

Many jobs are done remotely, and the companies like the fact they don’t have to offer healthcare and other benefits to freelancers as they do to full-time employees.

7 essential books for freelancers

But, how can you take your career as a freelancer to the next level? How can you win a high-paid online job? Don’t worry! If you’re trying to become a successful freelancer, we’re here to help.

We prepared a list of the 7 hottest books every freelancer should read. Books that’ll help you feel the freedom and flexibility of freelancing and win you a high-paying job contract tomorrow. 

1. The Freelancer’s Bible ⛪️ by Sara Horowitz

When it comes to freelancing Sara Horowitz is the author of the hour. The Freelancer’s Bible offers everything you need to succeed as a freelancer.

the freelancer bible

It’s a true Bible covering every idea and every strategy you’ll need to make it in the freelancing labor market. You’ll find the answers to every question that’s been bothering you since the beginning of your freelancing journey:

  • How to find and keep clients?    
  • How to increase your productivity and keep your reputation spotless?
  • How to overcome a prolonged dry spell?
  • How to pay taxes and health insurance?
  • How to use your financial freedom?

This book will be your Bible in becoming an important part of the freelancers’ community. It’s useful both for newbies and freelancers trying to grow and expand their businesses. 

2. The 4-Hour Workweek 🏝 by Timothy Ferris

If you’re one of those people who want to live more and work less, this book is a perfect choice. The 4-hour workweek book offers revolutionary content and a glimpse of a luxury lifestyle.

Timothy Ferris reveals how a person can live like a millionaire without having to be one. Find out how he managed to earn $40k 💰 per month working 4 hours per week.

the 4 hour workweek

The 4-hour workweek defies the old retirement concept.  It gives an insight on how to earn a monthly five-figure income with zero management.  This well-designed book along with its expanded edition is a luxury lifestyle guide that shows you:

  • How does the author go from $40,000 per year and 80 hours per week to $40,000 per month and 4 hours per week?
  • How to double your income, overcome common sticking points, and reinvent yourself using the original book as a starting point?
  • How to negotiate with bosses and clients?
  • How Lifestyle Design principles can be suitable to unpredictable economic times?

This book contains many tips and tricks. Your assignment is to unveil them and start living like a diplomat or millionaire without being either.

3. Do the work: Overcome resistance and get out of your own way by Steven Pressfield

Do you want to finish the projects you’ve started? Would you like to do meaningful work, but don’t know where to start? If your answer is yes, then Do the work will help you to actually “do the work”!

Do the work is your tool against resistance. This book helps you overcome resistance and start taking action. It encourages you to finish the projects successfully. 

According to the author, Steven Pressfield resistance doesn’t aim to wound, it shoots to kill! Therefore, this manifesto takes you from the beginning to the end of a project. From its first to its last page, this book explains how to run a project from start to finish. 

Start reading, discover the resistance point along the way, and learn how to overcome them. Stop making excuses and just “DO THE WORK”!

4. Stop thinking like a freelancer 🧑🏼‍💻 by Liam Veitch

When you’re freelancing, it’s hard to plan growth when the income on a day-to-day basis is too unstable. Usually, you think about here and now!

Stop thinking like a freelancer tries to explain how to make freelancing more stable. The author takes us on a journey from a laptop and a rented desk to a $1m web agency through his experience and advice.

stop thinking like a freelancer

What are the main thoughts of author?

Liam Veitch wants to help you achieve the freedom every freelancer is looking for through his ups and downs. We’ve got much to learn from this web designer, founder of a web agency, and a freelancers’ community. We can learn the tricks of the trade he wishes he knew the first time around.

This book is an inspiration 👩🏼‍🎨 for freelancers to earn more this month than they did last month, by using big-business thinking and designing a state of constant evolutionary improvement. It’s here to give a new perspective and a new point of view. This book screams: Your time is now!

5. The blueprint to become a top earning freelancer in 90 days or less by Tyler Ford

According to Tyler Ford, if you haven’t had success freelancing so far, most likely you’ve been misled. Probably you’ve been wasting your time trying to sell yourself against 40-50 people for low-paying jobs $4-5/hour.

the freelancing blueprint

Tyler Ford encourages you not to put up with this! He shares a unique step-by-step system you need to take to become a top-earning freelancer in 90 days or less 🕘.

The Freelancers blueprint puts freelancing under the spotlight and shows the path to high-paid jobs. Tyler Ford is convinced that anyone can freelance.

This book motivates freelancers with and without specialties to become top-earning 💵 freelancers. If this is your goal, this book should be a must-have item on your bookshelf!

6. Making ideas happen by Scott Belsky

Making ideas happen by Scott Belsky explains the importance of building capacity to make ideas happen, a capacity that endures over time.

Making ideas happen

According to Scott, we’re not born with the ability to push creative projects to completion. We must develop skills 🛠, like execution, by building organizational habits and utilizing the support of our colleagues. He didn’t come to this conclusion lightly. He studied the habits of productive individuals and teams across different industries. 

Scot Belsky has recorded the principles and techniques these productive people share. Making ideas happen presents a systematic approach to creative organization and productivity. Everyone can make ideas happen if they’re willing to develop their organizational habits and leadership know-how!

7. Building your personal brand in the age of social media by Brittany Hennessy

Building your personal brand in the age of social media explains where the branded industry was, is, and where it’s heading.

Brittany Hennessy as an experienced nightlife blogger and a social media strategist knows the role of influencers and shares her knowledge on:

  1. How to build an audience and keep it engaged?
  2. How to package your brand?
  3. How to pitch to your favorite companies?
  4. How to monetize your influence?
  5. How much to charge?

This book guides you through the most important influencers’ principles. Use these principles and create quality content, use hashtags, promote your profile, and MAKE MONEY 💶 while doing what you love!  


If you haven’t won a high-paid job contract today, with these 7 hottest books for every freelancer, you’ll win it tomorrow!

If you're interested in books for web designers, here is a link: 5 Career-Changing Books for Web Designers

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