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Owledge Blog

7 Essential Books To Read For Every Freelancer

October 19, 2022

7 Essential Books To Read For Every Freelancer

Today it’s easier to become a freelancer than ever before. More and more companies are hiring freelancers. So how to become one of a kid freelancer and start making money? We created a list of 7 books for every freelancer to read today and win a high-paid job tomorrow!

3 In-demand Programming Languages To Learn This Year

October 16, 2022

3 In-demand Programming Languages To Learn This Year

What programming languages are in demand today? Which programming languages are easier to learn? What to choose this year to not go back to the stone age? Our team created a list of 3 programming languages that will help you to win a high-paid job this year!

3 BEST Website Builders To Build A Website

October 04, 2022

3 BEST Website Builders To Build A Website

Things in web development are changing so fast and unfortunately 2 years old videos are not relevant today. Some website builders died, others became paid and outdated. We want to share 3 best website builders that will help you to build a website of your dreams!

5 Basic Tips on How To Manage Your Time Better

October 01, 2022

5 Basic Tips on How To Manage Your Time Better

Are you a procrastinator? Having problems with a time management? Or worrying how to do it all? We've gathered 5 practical tips on how to manage your time better while working from home!

How To Stop Procrastinating From Now?

September 01, 2022

How To Stop Procrastinating From Now?

You have a task that you know you have to complete by a certain day, yet you can’t seem to get it done. You keep pushing it and pushing, you frantically work to complete the task. You are stressed and feel that you wasted valuable time. Starting to think about how to stop procrastinating from now?

How to build a website - Easy guide for beginners

July 18, 2022

How to build a website - Easy guide for beginners

There are hundred ways of how you can create a website. The more ways you know, the more ways you can always choose. This video is not just about creating a website for personal or business purposes, it’s about how to do it without spending so much money and time.