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How To Overcome Anxiety & Depression While Working From Home

December 05, 2022

How To Overcome Anxiety & Depression While Working From Home

Have you ever experienced anxiety and depression while working from home? If that’s the case, you’re not alone. Although the concept of working from home sounds very appealing, it can challenge the way we perceive ourselves and cause feelings of isolation, and lack of motivation.

Luckily, there are some precautions you can take to combat these emotions.

how to overcome anxiety and depression

Many employees throughout the world have transitioned to home offices after the emergence of COVID-19. While some of us enjoy it, others are still adjusting to a future in which juggling home and work life is a challenge.

The advantages of working from home can be amazing. It gives you greater flexibility in your day-to-day schedule, fewer weekly commuting hours, and the opportunity to work all across the world! But sometimes working from home can also challenge our mental health.

The feeling of anxiety, isolation and lack of motivation

Whether you’re new to working from home or an experienced remote employee, the feeling of anxiety, lack of motivation, isolation, and depression is something many of us experience when working from home. It's common to feel lonely when working alone and not being part of a physical team with other coworkers.

When we don't have a regular schedule, it's common to feel unmotivated. All of this may result in bad self-perceptions and have negative effects on our mental health. Thoughts like:

  1. “I get anxious and depressed when I feel isolated from social communities”
  2. "It's tough to distinguish my personal life from my job life"
  3. “I’m demotivated and find it hard to stay focused”

Does this sound like you? Then keep reading.

Tips to nourish your mental health

There are some precautions you can take to combat this negative spiral of emotions. It’s important for you to maintain your creative spark and nourish your mental health while working from home.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to perform as well as you usually do. With a few habit shifts and mind-altering strategies, many of these emotions are manageable. We have listed 3 essential tips for you to overcome these thoughts!

1. Stay connected with your colleagues online 📲 🎙

When working from home, you may feel alienated. It’s more difficult to build social contacts and connections when you’re not in a supportive physical environment of colleagues.

speak with colleagues

Try to make regular plans for in-person meetups with people who inspire you and stay connected with previous and current colleagues on Zoom or Facetime. Discuss your successes and elaborate on your common struggles.

Being a part of a social community helps you speak about the challenges you are facing. When addressing these vulnerable emotions, it’s most likely that your colleagues share the same challenges!

2. Expressive Writing 🖌

Engaging in expressive writing can be a powerful tool for processing emotions and reducing anxiety and depression. Find a private space and dedicate time each day to think without judgment or censorship.

  • Write about your feelings, experiences, and thoughts, allowing yourself to explore the root causes of your anxiety and depression. This practice can provide a sense of relief, increase self-awareness, and help you gain insights into your emotions.

3. Take a break 🎧 ⌚️

Believe it or not, Mother Nature contributes to your emotional well-being. Studies show that frequent exercise not only helps your physical health but also your mental health. Take a break from sitting at your desk and go outside for a walk. Put your phone away and take a deep breath of fresh air.

Breaks are important, so make them a regular part of your daily routine - and stick to them!

take a break

Overcoming anxiety and depression can be challenging, and it often requires a comprehensive approach involving professional help and self-care practices.

4. Nature Therapy (Ecotherapy)

Nature therapy, also known as ecotherapy, involves spending intentional time in nature to improve mental well-being. Go for walks in the park, hike in the woods, or simply sit by a river or lake. Nature has a calming and grounding effect that can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

  • Try to engage all your senses while immersing yourself in the natural environment, such as observing the sights, listening to the sounds, feeling the textures, and breathing in the fresh air.

5. Establish a designated workspace with comfortable surroundings 🧩

A traditional office provides a clear distinction between life at work and at home. It is always a struggle to differentiate between these two when working remotely. Your home is your personal space which should also be associated with quality time and freedom.


If you want to create a comfortable workspace, check our latest guide: How to create an ideal workspace, where we talk about basics of ergonomics, lighting, how to keep fit while working from home and much more!

Therefore, it’s important to establish a designated workspace with comfortable surroundings in your home dedicated solely to being a workstation. Make it comfortable and be sure to have the same tools as you would have in a regular office. Lastly, leave your workstation when you’re done working!

6. Laughter and Humor 🎭

  • Laughter has proven therapeutic benefits, as it triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. Seek out opportunities for humor in your life, such as watching funny videos, reading humorous books, or spending time with friends who make you laugh.
  • Laughter can act as a temporary distraction from negative emotions and provide a more positive perspective on challenging situations.

Remember that while these tips can be helpful, they should not replace professional treatment or therapy for anxiety and depression.

Conclusion 📌

When working from home, it's up to you to be in the best mental shape possible. Your personal drive and happiness are under your control. There’s no shame in feeling down. Working from home can be challenging! You're not alone.

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, it's also crucial to seek support from a qualified mental health professional. They can provide personalized guidance and treatment plans to address the specific challenges you are facing.

Once in a while, we all take a ride on the emotional rollercoaster... And that's okay! As long as we handle it in a constructive way.

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